
Members-at-Large are invaluable to the TIA Board and the Association as a whole. Their varying interests, assignment roles, and experience over time can help influence and make great contributions to TIA achieving its goals and to improving the engagement of the general TIA membership in TIA mission programs within the river community.  For more information about Members-at-Large Advisory Group appointment criteria and duties/responsibilities, click here.


Adam Allore – Information Technology

I’ve had the pleasure and privilege to have grown up in and around the 1000 Islands area. In High School & University years, I worked at Gordon Marine in Gananoque. After working as an Engineer for nearly a decade, I decided to start my own company to help boaters navigate the 1000 islands with the aid of mobile technology. This solution (a mobile app) has since expanded, and my team at now helps thousands of boaters around the world. I plan to support the TIA with technology and mapping insights, along with an intimate knowledge of the area. If you see me on the river in a teal Larson bowrider – please say hi.

Ross Stewart – Water Levels

Growing up in the 1000 Islands has been a privilege. For six generations, our family has been fortunate enough to enjoy the natural beauty of the St. Lawrence River on an island within the Brockville group. While we have all benefited from the TIA’s River Safety program, its Community Outreach and Environmental programs are as equally important for its residents. I have long had a passion and curiosity for understanding various aspects of the region, from its ecological history to the wide-ranging policies and programs to manage its waters. With the increasing pace of climate change related events, it is important we work as a community to understand and advocate for this treasure.

Stuart Arnett – Environmental Awareness

Growing up in Gananoque, Ontario, played a significant role in my wildlife and nautical interests. That inspiration comes through in my art. I work in graphite and watercolour and primarily focus on North American wildlife and fish species. As a Wildlife Conservation Artist and a signature member of Artists for Conservation, one of my main goals is to assist both specie and habitat conservation through Art. By joining the TIA as their Environmental Co-Chair & Member-at-Large, I hope to bring a clearer understanding of how we can co-exist and help our wildlife and environment to thrive. Please visit my website to learn more about me:

Lee VanEs

I first fell in love with the Thousand Islands in 2008 on a boat trip with friends, and thought it might be the best place I had ever been. In 2020 I was fortunate enough to return here and spend the summer on the island of La Vignette and once again soak in the beauty of the river. When it was time to retire, Gananoque seemed like the perfect choice and we now make our home about 1 kilometre from the cottage. I have always been involved in volunteer work, including my children’s schools, St. Jude’s Church (Oakville) the Oakville Power Boat Club and now the Gananoque Food Bank. I am happy to contribute to the Thousand Islands Association and specifically the environmental protection of the river.

Barrie (Huck) Kay – Environmental Awareness

Growing up in the Lansdowne area allowed my being on and in the St. Lawrence River from a very early age. My very first summer job was with the Gananoque Boat Line where I had my first taste of life on the River. For the past 28 years I have operated out of Ivy lea allowing me to spend time out among and on the islands from early spring through late fall. My off season views and pictures of the river allows me a unique and different glimpse of river life than more seasonal viewers have. I am happy to share this perspective and perhaps bring to the forefront some areas that need a little extra attention… perhaps in River Clean Up Days.

Peter VanSickle

While touring Wander’s channel in 1991, we fell in love with the area and in particular La Vignette, which has been our oasis ever since. The playful bridge is the stage my 98-year-old mother uses to greet the passing tour boats. I have recently moved to Gananoque to be able to spend more time here. This gives me a better chance to assist in the efforts of the TIA in making the 1,000 islands the sustainable gem it deserves to be.

Philip Kearns – Environmental Awareness and Shoal Marking

Hailing from Australia, I came to the US in 1988 for graduate school. On my very first weekend in the States, I drove across the Thousand Islands Bridge and thought, “what a magical place–I’d love to spend some time up here.”  Roll forward a few years and I was lucky enough to marry into a Thousand Islands family – my wife’s, Sid’s, family has had a cabin on Wyoming island in the Lake Fleet group since 1908 (to be clear, there were MANY other reasons to marry Sid).  Since the early ‘90s, I have spent as much of each summer as I could on and in the St. Lawrence River – Sid and I are now fortunate to own our own slice of paradise, Belabourer Island, and having just recently retired from the daily grind, I am loving more time on the river.  I am keen to contribute to the stewardship of this magnificent body of water, ever changing, ever interesting, ever inspiring, in any way I can. 

Mark Yehle – Shoal Marking

I’m a third-generation River Rat and have spent time on the river every summer of my life. I’ve enjoyed various residences, including in Thousand Islands Park and on Maple Island when I was younger, and currently on Troughton Island where I’m enjoying my retirement with my wife, Michele, of 47 years. I bring to TIA an intimate knowledge of the river on both sides of the border, including the various shoals I’ve hit over the years! I’m delighted to now volunteer with the Shoal Marking Program to help others safely navigate the river and avoid those shoals.

Allie Regan – Environmental Awareness

My family has enjoyed a presence on Bostwick Island for several generations, and we consider it home regardless of where we roam or live when we are not on the island. Since retiring from the New York State Police, I accepted a position with Amazon, which allows me to work remotely and spend more time on the river. Volunteering at Save the River over the past few years led to additional volunteer opportunities with TIA. My father, Paul Regan, a past TIA president, encouraged my participation in TIA, and I found a wonderful group of people who love the river as we do. Preserving the river and its history is a responsibility each generation has to the next, and I am excited to be involved with TIA’s sustainability mission.

Why Your Membership Matters

TIA is the only organization placing shoal markers for the River Community - this is an essential service. Our mission of river safety is to heighten boater’s awareness of some dangerous shoals to avoid . TIA strongly encourages all boaters to use navigation charts when navigating the St. Lawrence River. Please be a TIA supporter, we rely on membership dues & donations to be sustainable.

Connect with TIA on social media and be part of our river community.