
The Jan/Feb issue of River Talk is out!  Find it here

River Safety

TIA shoal marking is an essential service to the safety and well-being of the river community and has become a part of our waterways infrastructure just like roadway signage on the mainland.

Environmental Awareness

TIA supports the organizations working to preserve and protect the environment by promoting and supporting their programs. TIA has and continues to present programs in partnership.

Community Support

TIA uses social media and River Talk to connect with all members of the 1000 Islands River Community advancing interests, news, concerns, happenings and events common to all.

Why Your Membership Matters

TIA is the only organization placing shoal markers for the River Community - this is an essential service. Our mission of river safety is to heighten boater’s awareness of some dangerous shoals to avoid . TIA strongly encourages all boaters to use navigation charts when navigating the St. Lawrence River. Please be a TIA supporter, we rely on membership dues & donations to be sustainable.

Connect with TIA on social media and be part of our river community.