Environmental Awareness

The Environmental Pillar 2023

Over the past two summers TIA’s Trash Free River Clean-up days (TFRC) have helped to remove over 1000 lbs. of trash including lawn chairs, a bicycle, shoes, buried socks, countless cigarette buts, plastic water bottles, chunks of blue Styrofoam, fencing, tires, and much more.

Our Fishing Line Recycling Station (FLRS) program continues to expand to more areas on both sides of the River.  Parks Canada, Save The River and New York State Parks are all participating in our program. A map of these units is available on our website under the FLRS as well as STR’s website.

With the help of Parks Canada, we continue to educate and strengthen our commitment for the preservation of wildlife. We have several Turtle Nest Protectors available for free to our membership and encourage you to keep an eye out for turtles as they get ready to lay eggs. Last spring, we combined forces with Parks Canada and Turtles Kingston by attending a workshop from Parks Canada learning about the various species of turtles in our region and how we can help them thrive.



Wildlife Artist, Environmental Co-Chair & Member at Large, Stuart Arnett continues to be instrumental in keeping us in the know with our invasive species, species at risk, and returning species sections found on our website under Environmental Awareness. Stuart is also the author of River Talk’s Wildlife Corridor section and continues to provide us with fun facts regarding wildlife in our area.

The Seabin has been placed and is in use at the Gananoque Municipal Marina. This will be our second summer monitoring the Seabin which is designed to collect litter of all sizes including microplastics and Styrofoam beads that have broken away from docks as they age and break down.  We are responsible to do a monthly ‘deep dive’ and record a week’s worth of trash that is collected, documented and shared with Pollution Probe, (an organization that works productively with governments, industry and the public, with a steadfast commitment to Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthy Planet.)

Thanks to the outstanding efforts, steadfast commitment and creative ideas of Members-at-Large Stuart Arnett, Dave McWilliam and Barrie (Huck) Kaye, and Board Members Alec Turner, Annabel Cowan and Janet Staples for making the environmental pillar a solid support to our organization and our membership.

Why Your Membership Matters

TIA is the only organization placing shoal markers for the River Community - this is an essential service. Our mission of river safety is to heighten boater’s awareness of some dangerous shoals to avoid . TIA strongly encourages all boaters to use navigation charts when navigating the St. Lawrence River. Please be a TIA supporter, we rely on membership dues & donations to be sustainable.

Connect with TIA on social media and be part of our river community.