Grant Partners

In the world of small not-for-profit organizations, such as TIA, membership dues and donations are stretched to cover their operating budget but this generally falls short. The sustainability of TIA and the funding of special projects relies upon other critical contributions such as Grants which creates partnership relationships and supports TIA’s ability to fulfill its mission: river safety, environmental awareness and community support.

TLTI Municipal Grants

Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands

TIA is proud of its valued relationship with the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands (TLTI) which has led to the following recent support.

  • 2015 Grant of $10,000 in support of replacement of shoal markers lost or worn beyond repair.
  • 2018 Grant of $3,400 in support of purchasing GPS equipment to identify the location of river shoal markers now illustrated on the TIA website.
  • 2020 Grant of $10,000 in support of TIA mission programs for river safety, environmental awareness and community support.
  • 2022 Grant of $8,500 in support of replacing worn out shoal markers, and building shoal marker displays that inform the public of TIA’s contributions to river safety.
  • 2023 Grant of $6,525 in support of the ongoing requirement of replacing worn-out shoal markers on the township’s waterfront and Thousand Islands.
  • 2024 Grant of $7,383 in support of the ongoing requirement of replacing worn-out shoal markers on the township’s waterfront and Thousand Islands.

TIA is grateful to TLTI for these significant grants that respond to programs for the safety of the river community and constituents.

Town of Gananoque

TIA is proud of its valued relationship with the Town of Gananoque which has led to the following support:

  • 2022 Memorandum of Understanding for the installation of a Pollution Probe Seabin trash container at the Town of Gananoque Municipal Marina for working in partnership to monitor and report on water borne plastics.
  • 2023 Grant of $4,785 in support of the replacement of worn-out shoal markers in Gananoque’s greater waterfront area.
  • 2024 Grant of $4,462 in support of the replacement of worn-out shoal markers in Gananoque’s greater waterfront area.

Thank you to the Town of Gananoque for this significant support responding to TIA’s mission of River Safety, Environmental Awareness and Community Support.


The Great Lakes Foundation

The Great Lakes Foundation (GLF) is dedicated to preserving the richness of wilderness cruising areas of the Great Lakes, as well as fostering the art and science of cruising.  The Foundation has awarded more than $250,000 in grants since 1993 to activities that meet the Foundation’s Grant Policy. 

TIA is proud to be international friends of the Great Lakes Cruising Club and its Foundation which as led to the following support:

  • 2021 Grant of $8,800 USD for Year One in support of replacing a target of 20% of TIA’s aging inventory of rock shoal markers.
  • 2022 Grant of $10,600 USD for Year Two in support of TIA’s program of replacing the balance of the targeted aging inventory.

Thank you to the Foundation for recognizing the importance of this essential service for safety in the Thousand Islands river community.


The Davies Charitable Foundation

The Davies Charitable Foundation is a registered, non-profit, charitable organization founded in 1990 by Michael R.L. Davies, former owner and publisher of the Whig Standard.

The purpose of the Davies Charitable Foundation is to support individuals and registered charitable organizations within the Kingston, Ontario region in the areas of the arts, education, health and sports. Since its inception, the Davies Charitable Foundation has supported more than 500 individuals and organizations and had donated over $11 million to local charities.

Thank you to the Foundation for supporting TIA’s mission and its environmental awareness program.


Why Your Membership Matters

TIA is the only organization placing shoal markers for the River Community - this is an essential service. Our mission of river safety is to heighten boater’s awareness of some dangerous shoals to avoid . TIA strongly encourages all boaters to use navigation charts when navigating the St. Lawrence River. Please be a TIA supporter, we rely on membership dues & donations to be sustainable.

Connect with TIA on social media and be part of our river community.