Donors - 2024
Generous Donors
TIA acknowledges with sincere thanks and appreciation the following people who made donations in 2024.
Terry and Gretchen Bambrick
Eric and Alicia Base
Clayton and Kaija Beard
Britton Bedford-Jones
Joan Brennan
Margaret Brennan
Mary Brennan
John and Barbara Clement
Peter and Judith Cleveland
John and Susan Cloke
David and Adam Connerton
Chuck and Teri Corrigan
Margaret Corrigan
James Cote and Donna Hovat
Jeffrey Crouse
William Dakin and Jeanne Richards
Donna Dandele-MacNabb and Jeff MacNabb
Drew and Nora Detlor
Tim and Carol Devlin
David Edwards and Sonya Beerkens
Matt and Madalin Emerson
Peter and Tori Fitton
David and Cathy Fownes
Stephen and Nancy Friot
Chris Giacomelli and Alison Gray
John and Linda Glowienka
David and Elizabeth Goodfellow
Douglas and Meb Goodfellow
Keith and Brenda Graham
Anne Green and Kenny Soule
Ron Grice
Jeff and Audrey Grolig
Nicole Harris and David Balik
David Hepburn and Ann Wickendon
Barbara Hufsmith
Susan Hughes
Bryan and Cheryl Jones
Philip Kearns and Sid Ray
Nancy King and Timothy Babb
Margaret and Don Laird
Denise Lyons and William McLaird
Joyce Medcalf and Michael Bell
Ormond and Catherine Murphy
Edward and Gail Murray
Mike and Louisa Newbury
Bob and Wendy Norman
David Ogilvy and Suzanne Loffoley
Marion Piciullo
Tammy and Jaime Podovinnikoff
Nicholas and Suzi Preston
Larry and Sherry Pringle
Rod and Katy Rahe
Jeff and Abby Rand
Robert and Wendy Reid
Ewart Richardson
Daniel and Anne Robert
Don and Marnie Ross
Amy Schacht
Leah Slaughter and Steven Gauthier
Sarah Ellen Smith
Nancy and Brian St John
Shaunon and Todd Stafford
James Stansfield
Janet Stewart
John and Melissa Street
Robert and Paula Street
Anne Taylor Modler and Kate Modler
Jane and John Taylor
Bruce and Betsy Thompson
David Tolton
David and Lisa Trimble
Michael and Paula Trimble
Marc and Marisa Trottier
Don Ullman
John and Carole Anne Walli
Thomas and Michele Yehle